My name is Nicholas Speciale, and I am the Founder of Speciale Fitness. I decided to become a personal trainer having spent years being that person who desperately wanted to gain weight and feel good about themselves. I’ve purchased every workout program under the sun and eaten anything on site to gain some body weight. Now, having emerged on the other side and achieved my goals, I want to use my skills, knowledge from my University degree in Kinesiology B,Sc and experience with myself and previous successful clients to help others.
I care about my clients, and there’s nothing more important to me than helping someone go through an experience that makes them happy, confident and strong. I know how being insecure about your body affects your whole life, and I want to be there for those who want to bring about changes. I want to help you discover the benefits of training that have helped me become the person I am today, and I’m here to guide you every step of the way.
I understand that life can be hectic and it's often tough to find time to work out. I’ve been there myself, and I’ve made every excuse. Now I’ve used my experiences to design a program that is manageable, enjoyable and proven to work. In addition, training with the EMS suit allows your workouts to be only a 20-minute workout but has the same benefits as a 90-minute conventional training session. It’s going to be a bit of a journey but I promise you your friends won't believe their eyes if you implement my advice right away.
Are you committed to the journey? If so I don’t want you to tell me, but rather show me, better yet show yourself!
Watch this video to learn about my journey and what inspired me to become a fitness trainer!